What is kundalini energy?
You know that feeling you get when the person you love enters the room?
That’s kundalini energy.
That thing that makes you want to write that song?
Kundalini energy.
When you want to cry because you heard someone died, or that feeling of trying to hold in your uncontrollable giggle?
Kundalini energy.
It’s that thing! It’s life. Vibrance. Animation. Energy.
Kundalini is your life force — the core of your personal power.
‘Kundalini’ is a Sanskrit word and has been used for thousands of years to describe life force energy (or ‘prana’).
Kundalini energy is the core of your personal power.
When used consciously, it can ‘wash’ away our deepest tensions, eliminate crappy beliefs about who we are and who we can be, and help us expand into our most easeful, confident, connected selves.
It’s the stuff that can make sex vibrant, authentic, healing, full. Like, tangled in sheets, looking at each other like, “whaaat just happened?!”
There are a number of spiritual practices that focus on activating this energy and intentionally using it throughout your body and your life.
Consciously channelling your kundalini energy is amazing for relationships, intimacy, expression, planning, creating and manifesting, physical and mental health, resilience, self-love...
But you see, while it’s present in your everyday life, the kundalini powerhouse (concentrated energy) lies dormant in most people. It’s said to sit in the base of your spine, near your genitals (base chakra) and it’s traditionally represented by two coiled serpents.
Your kundalini powerhouse sits at the base of your spine and it’s traditionally represented by two coiled serpents.
Because it sits at your base chakra, the kundalini powerhouse is also strongly expressed and moves as sexual energy. It connects strongly to Tantra where your sexual energy is welcomed and channelled for spiritual/personal/relationship growth.
Kundalini energy connects strongly to Tantric practices.
How do you activate your kundalini energy for a more full, vibrant, powerful you?
There are lots of ways people from different cultures have done this throughout history.
One super powerful, effective, and safe way to activate your kundalini energy is through guided energetic bodywork. It’s a little like doing a cleanse. But for your body-soul.
Your bodyworker (you or a practitioner) is a bit like your shamanic plumber:
Think of energy in your body as being like water. In energetic bodywork sessions, your bodyworker guides you to generate energy in your body. (In Kundalini Tantra approaches, you do this through breath, sound, movement, visualisation, and attention.)
You flush this energy through your system. It’s like water gushing through a tunnel that pushes out the gunk that’s stuck in there.
This is awesome because while the energy is on its way through, it brings information to the surface. It shows you:
What traumas and limiting beliefs you've been holding onto.
How you've been out of whack with your true self.
How powerful you are, beyond your fear, guilt, and shame.
The emotional wounds you’ve been limited by (wounds of the ‘emotional body’).
Ever struggled to shake off feeling stuck, small, conflicted, or blah? It could very well be your kundalini energy that wants to clear up and move!
By moving this energy, you not only clear out the gunk, now you know exactly what was in the way. Knowledge is power, which means you can rewire your thinking through conscious choice and healing the wounds. Through healing, choice, and action, your transformation sticks. And your life changes!
After this shamanic-plumber-cleanse, your kundalini energy can move freely, meaning you experience your full you: resilient, powerful, authentic, full.
Of course, kundalini energy ain’t always pretty or comfortable.
Kundalini is life force energy after all. And yes, sometimes life is sunsets and puppies, and sometimes it’s storms and sharks.
In a Buddhist way, kundalini energy teaches us to embrace all of life: the good, the bad, the ugly.
This is important because this is LIFE. If we yearn only for pleasure and reject pain, you know what happens:
Ouch. More suffering.
From someone who survived clinical depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, I know about this one.
Drama, pain, sadness, insecurity, anxiety, and emotional breakdowns aren’t nice to experience. They can be awful.
What if these ‘negative’ emotions are just our body’s way of communicating that something needs to change in our life?
Beliefs, assumptions, traumas, fears, guilt, shame…
Gunky energy that needs to move…
That’s it.
Working with kundalini means you embrace the pleasure AND the pain.
Doing this means you flush out your energy tunnels to create a more resilient, powerful, authentic you. A you who can experience more pleasure than ever before because the gunky pain isn’t distracting you. More dreams, more love, more sweetness, more bliss.
Um, yes please.
Make kundalini your bestie to embody your power, bliss, love.
want to connect with and move your kundalini energy?
Whatever you wanna let go of... Generate more of... This is a great practice for that. It’s a practice to clear out your gunky energetic ‘waterways’ and let your personal power flow freely.
Yay kundalini!
This practice is a moving meditation. You use breath, sound, movement, visualisation, and attention to make magic happen in your mind, body, heart, and soul.
I love using this practice to energise myself, especially if I’m feeling like where’s my mojo gone?! or and just generally blah.
Hot tips
Go slow! Take each step in your own rhythm and pace. Connecting with your own rhythm and pace has huge benefits for your sex life, relationships, and all the choices you make in your life.
This is a practice to activate energy as much as release tension. You may experience a number of different feelings during this practice. If you feel overcome with an emotion, let it out! Emotional release is hugely in important in un-blocking gunky energy. Laugh, cry, yell into a pillow, shake your hips, run on the spot. And if you're simply feeling yummy, enjoy yourself.
If you don’t feel anything, don’t worry! Sometimes it can be the first layer in. Come back and try it again… Your kundalini is in there! Waiting to wake up...
If you want the full experience, set aside 20-60 minutes. If you just have five mins, that’s ok too! Get a taste.
Throughout this process, if your mind starts to wander, bring it back to the sensations in your body, particularly the base of your spine. Just like in regular meditation.
Let's begin.
Set an intention and invite Divine support (prayer).
This is important. Some folks have heard scary stories of people who have activated their kundalini and things go haywire. Don’t worry about that. Just set your intention and feel it land in your body as your truth.
Your intention could be something like…
I welcome this experience as healing. I trust this experience will be just what I need. I invite my energy to flow and blocks to move.
If you're into it, your invitation could be something like…
I thank and call in Divine (my Higher Self, God, Goddess, Patti Smith). I thank my allies, seen and unseen. With the Spirit above, below, within, may this be an experience of Love: fully aware, fully present, and totally out of control. Give Thanks.
(inspired by ISTA’s invocation)
Stand with feet hip-distance apart. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your body. Breathe deeply into your belly, so your belly expands and falls (rather than just your chest).
Connect again to your intention. Feeeel it in your body. Mmm, that’s nice.
2. Bring your attention to your base
Gently place your hands on the base of your spine and the top of your pubic bone. Bring your attention to this part of your body. Imagine two curled up snakes in between your hands.
Breathe into it. Let out a vocal sigh on your out breath. (It might feel awkward, but it works: making sound activates energy.)
With your imagination, acknowledge the snakes (your energy). You can do a little bow to them like you do in yoga, with respect. You can say, hey! I see you. I love you. Let’s play together.
3. slowly move your hips in circles: awaken the energy
Your hip circles can be be big, wide circles, or just small ones. Do what feels comfortable and real.
Go slow. You’re not forcing the energy; pulling or pushing it. You’re gently stirring it. Welcome it awake, as if it’s a sleepy snake that you’re whispering good morning! to.
(Imagine if we treated sex and intimacy like this. Not rushing or forcing our pleasure, timing, or desire.)
4. Visualise the two snakes rousing (your energy)
What colour are they? What’s their texture? You can feel their potency. Their vibrance. Their truth. Feel them gently radiating from the base of your spine.
They’re waking and they start wanting to slowly move up your spine and through your body. They’re peaking their heads up now.
Keep breathing and letting out vocal sighs and sounds.
5. As your body starts moving and blood starts pumping, increase the speed of your hip circles according to your own pace
You may like to do some thrusty movements and circle your hips in different ways. Let your energy guide you!
If you find yourself becoming tense, let it go. It’s blocked energy. What is it? Notice it (it’s information!) and release it through breath, sound, movement, visualisation.
6. Imagine these snakes are becoming more and more awake and their radiance is becoming hotter and more colourful
They’re slowly moving up your spine.
Notice the feelings. Welcome it. Feel the activation.
Breathe. Sound. Move. Actively release tension. Feeeeel.
7. Let the snakes radiate up your spine
They’re washing through each energy centre up your spine ( your chakras), all the way to the top of your head (crown chakra).
Move the energy from the base of your spine (base chakra, red) to the top of your head (crown chakra, indigo).
With your inhale, breathe the energy up your spine. Let it flow and flow, like a river. Imagine it washing up your back.
8. Let it all flow. More! Welcome the flow, release.
Where else do you feel blocked? What in your life needs to shift? Focus on that. With your attention, imagine the energy moving through it. Clean out the gunk!
Feel your spine and body all activated, alive, and yummy-feeling. Freedom! Power! Yas!
9. follow the current and Let the energy find it’s natural stillness
When you feel like the tide has peaked and the energy is ebbing, let it. Keep moving, but slow your hip circles.
After some time, let your hips come to stillness and breathe. Feel. Thank yourself, the Divine, Life. When you’re ready, bring your ritual to a close and meditate. It’s like your savasana after yoga or your post-sex snuggle. Important to rest and reflect.
10. reflect
Reflect on your experience and where your blocks were. Make a conscious choice to act in ways that serve your power and growth, rather than limit it. Say a prayer and ask your allies to help you.
Remember: to go really deep in this process, emotional release is essential. This means not just shedding a tear if you’re feeling grief, but really letting it rip. Let yourself do the ugly cry/beat a pillow/laugh maniacally/whatever. Most people (like me, back in the day) are actually pretty closed-off when it comes to this. It can feel scary, messy, too raw.
There are a number of emotional release practices you can do. You can do this yourself, but if you’re new to it, it’s great to have a bodyworker with you. If you’d like to work with me to privately guide you through a process like this, email me.