When you act like Edward Scissorhands
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

When you act like Edward Scissorhands

I love Edward Scissorhands. But have you noticed how you or people you love might have scissorhands too? Everytime you come close, you get cut instead of caressed. Punctured instead of held. Accidentally... You want to come closer to someone, but then you somehow end up pushing them away...

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What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)?
Kalia Maliali Kalia Maliali

What is Internal Family Systems (IFS)?

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, developed by Richard Schwartz, is a transformative model of trauma therapy that focuses on parts work to achieve emotional healing and self-leadership. By using IFS techniques, people can understand and harmonize the different parts of their psyche, addressing issues that often lead to seeking mental health therapy.

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But what about your needs?
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

But what about your needs?

Needs are kind of like “nutrients” required by an organism to maintain survival and wellbeing…

It’s quite a simple calculus: Needs are met = feel good. Needs are not met = don’t feel good. ALL humans have needs. YOU have needs. How you feel and your needs matter.

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Avoiding Bad Feelings?
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

Avoiding Bad Feelings?

Normally we *really* don’t like to feel bad and want to do everything we can to avoid the feeling. To avoid feeling this way, you might do a million things to distract yourself. But avoiding the feeling doesn’t make it go away. Here’s what to do instead.

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Must-watch Films and TV to Expand Heart, Mind + Soul
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

Must-watch Films and TV to Expand Heart, Mind + Soul

There’s so much research and spiritual wisdom reminding us that we become what we consume. What we put into our system affects our immunity, relationships, confidence, and sense of what's normal. Bit by bit, it affects our ability to stand up as our most powerful, self-aware, and loving selves…

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What is your anxiety telling you?
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

What is your anxiety telling you?

Your feelings contain things your subconscious wants to give back to you. Things like your power. Truth. Tenderness. Wholeness. What is your anxiety trying to show you?

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