How To Stop Going In Cırcles On Your Healing Journey? Go To The Root
If you’re getting sick with a symptom, it’s important to go to the root of the cause.
That’s how you heal.
Otherwise, you’re just perpetually dealing with symptoms.
Imagine you get something in your eye. It starts to swell so much that you can't see. You can manage the swelling and blindness or you can get out the thing that's stuck in your eye — the thing that's causing the problem..
It's the same with our mind and emotions.
If we’re experiencing anxiety, fear or shame, we need to go to the source of what’s causing that.
For chronic illness and unexplained ailments, we need to go to the source of what’s causing that.
If we’re experiencing sexual issues, relationship tensions or body image troubles, we need to go to the source of what’s causing that.
The source is often deep in the subconscious.
It’s the inner wiring that was laid down, especially when we were young.
It’s possible there were some traumatic/overwhelming experiences later in life that also affected your inner wiring…
Like all living things, the body is made to heal. To be well.
(Think of a cut on your knee — it knows how to knit itself back together, all by itself).
So when you give yourself the right kind of time and space to heal, these stuck subconscious parts know how to become unstuck. Naturally.
The subconscious is constantly speaking to us through feelings and sensations in the body (including numbness). Images and memories. When we let ourselves lean into this, we can heal what’s stuck in the subconscious.
It’s a deep intimacy with yourself. Into-me-i-see.
The key is feeling.
That requires we go into the body, the soma.
The body knows.
If you’d like to go beyond dealing with symptoms and go to the root of what’s happening for you, let’s explore 1:1 mindful-somatic 1:1 sessions.
Book a 30-min discovery call here (FREE).
"The session helped me understand why I was feeling ‘off’ with someone I really like. We uncovered a memory I had forgotten… It was a key that unlocked many answers. A lot of it came back to my dad. I processed that memory and felt the emotions that I didn’t have a chance to feel at that time. It brought me closer to my dad and this person I like."
— Nilda, student, Turkey
With love,
Caitlyn ♡
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