Functioning through your head and over thinking?
Do you ever notice when your mind is getting over-stimulated?
Like, you’ve just finished four hours of back-to-back work and then…
You flip straight to your phone on the way home.
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And then when you get home and make dinner you’re thinking what you should say to your family this weekend while also thinking about that cute person you met last week…
And then during dinner, you switch on Netflix while your phone is handy so you can sort of scroll Instagram at the same time.
Oh yes, and eat.
This way, your mind just never stops.
Cos we never let it.
We give the little mouse the wheel...
What about if you just let yourself pause?
Or chew what you’re chewing and that’s it?
Or just be with the sensation of your ass planted on your seat.
What if you let yourself feel your breath and be in your body right now?
Maybe even feeling the eros vibrating in your body…
When you’re less in your mind and more in your body, you’re connected to your power. The present. There is more potential when you’re here. There’s space to relax.
You’re in charge of your mind.
Be the boss.
For more practices on getting out of your head and into your body, come along to my upcoming online workshop, Out Of Your Mind & Into Your Body.
Europe / USA
Thurs 8 Feb
6-8pm London | 7-9pm Paris | 10-12pm Los Angeles
Single ticket: 45 euros / US$49
Double: 80 euros / US$89
New Zealand / Australia / Bali
Tues 13 Feb
8-10pm New Zealand | 6-8pm Sydney | 3-5pm Bali
Single ticket: NZ$75 / AU$70
Double: NZ$140 / AU$130