What is your anxiety telling you?
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

What is your anxiety telling you?

Your feelings contain things your subconscious wants to give back to you. Things like your power. Truth. Tenderness. Wholeness. What is your anxiety trying to show you?

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overthinking = underfeeling
Recipe Caitlyn Cook Recipe Caitlyn Cook

overthinking = underfeeling

As a smart person, you might notice your mind tries to solve ALL the problems you experience. Even the problem of you feeling bad. Your mind is overthinking in order to avoid feeling! But it just keeps you stuck in your head…

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Be in synergy with your parts
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

Be in synergy with your parts

Ever have the experience where a part of you wants to go forward, but another part wants to go back?

And all together, you feel stuck…

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Phil Collins or Elton John?
Nilda Karakurt Nilda Karakurt

Phil Collins or Elton John?

Everything you do, watch and listen to feeds you. Your music in particular will amplify your vibration… So the choice is do you want your tunes to expand or contract you?

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6 Keys to stop comparing yourself with others
Nilda Karakurt Nilda Karakurt

6 Keys to stop comparing yourself with others

In my early 20s, I non-stop compared myself to others. I had strict criteria of what I thought was impressive and likable. I did my best to stick to them. Here’s how I moved through this.

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Come talk to Morpheous
Nilda Karakurt Nilda Karakurt

Come talk to Morpheous

Come here my Bwiti mentor talk about Bwiti, iboga, African spirituality and transformation (free + online). RSVP now.

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Sacrificing your authenticity to keep the connection (or _________)
Nilda Karakurt Nilda Karakurt

Sacrificing your authenticity to keep the connection (or _________)

When you authentically desire something, there’s a feeling of being expanded, enthusiasm, and calm. When you don’t authentically desire something, there’s a feeling of contraction, flatness, being annoyed. So why do we do things that we don’t authentically want? Why do we sacrifice one need for another?

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6 Keys for dealing with emotionally immature family
Nilda Karakurt Nilda Karakurt

6 Keys for dealing with emotionally immature family

Ever have that feeling of whiplash when you go back to spend time with your family?

Often, the people in our family are not as interested in self-growth, unpacking wounds and becoming more self-aware.

So how can we handle the people who we love but we find kind of emotionally immature?

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3 Keys to be more your body (& less in your head)
Nilda Karakurt Nilda Karakurt

3 Keys to be more your body (& less in your head)

Your mind is a great asset for strategy, logic and assessing. But it’s not a place to spend too much of your time. Though for some of us, we get stuck there! And this can mean feeling anxious. Disconnected. Imbalanced. Frazzled. And a little… out of touch with ourselves and others. So how to feel more in your body?

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What is kundalini energy?
Caitlyn Cook Caitlyn Cook

What is kundalini energy?

You know that feeling you get when the person you love enters the room?

That’s kundalini energy.

That thing that makes you want to write that song?

Kundalini energy.

When you want to cry because you heard someone died, or that feeling of trying to hold in your uncontrollable giggle?

Kundalini energy.

It’s that thing! It’s life. Vibrance. Animation. Energy.

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